Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Survivor: Redemption Island "This Game Respects Big Moves" [Spoilers!]

I know I know, I missed last week. Sorry. It wasn't that exciting. It wasn't boring either, but you know, Matt won the Redemption Island Challenge, Rob screwed around with idol clues that were worthless (he literally threw last week's into a volcano), Zapatera continued their nonsensical collapse, and ultimately the annoying hippie tribe mom Sarita got her torch snuffed. Oh, right, and we spent time dumping on poor Mr Saggybottoms. While the episode was entertaining, it also felt a lot like the last three episodes before it. Luckily this week, it's time to shake things up!

For starters, this is the week where the resident of Redemption Island returns to the main game. Having spent two weeks out there, Matt is the obvious favorite. But wait, it turns out, he cut his foot, and the Redemption Challenge will be putting a disproportionate amount of stress precisely where he cut his foot. It's almost as if the producers were afraid a straight challenge between Sarita and Matt wouldn't be exciting. Alas, God disagrees with the Producers, and Matt somehow prevails! Yay. There was a moment I was afraid I'd have to get another lecture about tribe harmony from the annoying hippie mom. Then the tribes merge, Matt gets to leave Redemption Island with them, and Probst tells everybody that the island is not closed, it is merely resetting.

So the first order of business for the now combined tribe is to come up with a name. As they set eating food that I guess was a reward just for still being on the show, Rob sells them on naming the tribe Murlonio. He tells the contestants it means "coming out of the ocean" or something, then gleefully tells the camera that is in fact utter bullshit. Murlonio is the name of fellow Survivor alum Amber's stuffed animal. Seriously. Rob has spent this entire game just laughing at everybody else, including Russel, on the island. It will be interesting to see if his utter dominance, and joyful treachery, can sway the jury, if he makes it to the final three. Though, if he continues orchestrating the other contestants as he has been, he seems like a lock for one of those coveted 3 spots.

There's also a brief, almost throw away exchange between Matt and Grant, where Matt asks Grant why he was voted out the first time. Grant answers honestly, saying Matt's relationship with Kristina is why he was voted out. Excepting the fact that it was Matt's relationship with Andrea that got him booted, Grant was honest. The important take away though is that the young women of Ometepe are apparently so interchangeable that Grant can't keep them separated in hi mind despite sharing a hut on the beach with them every night.

I must admit I'm perversely rooting for Matt despite my adversion to people who say things like "my purpose here is to honor God" on a reality tv show. Granted, by the time he decides to give his loyalties to Rob, again, I find myself thinking he's nothing but a poor substitute for Fabio. Of course, Rob saw Matt as a threat before, and he sees him as a threat again. It takes less than two minutes for Rob to get Grant, Natalie, Kristina, and Mr Saggybottoms on the "vote Matt out, again" bandwagon. As they head off to Tribal Council the question is, will Matt make the smart move and side with the former Zapatera members, or will he find himself being sent to Redemption Island, again, courtesy of a Boston Rob Blindside.

Well, watching it was of course edited to be high stakes, but the quickest answer is Matt was an idiot. Boston Rob gave him the boot, and the Holiest Survivor is on his way back to Redemption Island. He seems to do well on his own, spending his time in meditation. I'm not sure if he's got the brains to "outwit" anybody, but if he can outlast out there on his own, it could be one of the most interesting paths to Survivor victory anybody has ever taken. Next week, Mr Saggybottoms asks for a sign, and gets a feather headdress. I'm sure there will be plenty of lulz listening to him explain that as a part of the Bushido code.

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