Monday, April 18, 2011

The Celebrity Apprentice: What does Gary Busey have to do to get fired?

For weeks now we've been watching the seemingly very solid Backbone slowly fall apart under the pressure of Gary Busey. Whether Busey is just brain damaged from the motorcycle, or some kind of mad genius who tries to play Xanatos Gambits in real life I do not know. For that matter, neither do his teammates.

While John Rich firmly believes Busey is pulling the Gambit, Lil John and Meatloaf don't seem as certain that Busey is really in control of his faculties. At the end of the day, it doesn't matter if Gary is crazy, or crazy like a fox, because this was the second week in a row in which Gary was universally named as the person to be fired. Prior to that, his name came up frequently when Backbone, the men's team found themselves staring down Mr Trump. Yet somehow, someway, Gary always remained. I'm inclined to think that his presence was dragged out a bit for the sake of ratings in all honesty. Which is how anybody following the newest season of Celebrity Apprentice wound up asking, "What is Gary Busey going to have to do to get fired?"

Now we know the answer. All Gary had to do to get fired, was make Meatloaf cry. Poor, poor Meatloaf. (Loaf, is you see this, I love your records, I love you, and I'm sorry they made you look so fragile.) Meatloaf is a man of passion, and compassion, and as the show has gone on his patience has been constantly tested by Busey. So much so that on a bad day, and with a slight misunderstanding, Meatloaf had a full blown meltdown. You could tell Meatloaf was embarrassed, but I can easily see how the working conditions for team Backbone could rub anybody's nerves raw. In fact, Meatloaf looked like his nerves had been rubbed until they just stopped working.

The poor man was exhausted. He was speechless. Don Jr points out that Meatloaf seems to be, quite literally, unable to articulate how frustrated, exhausted, and upset he has become with Gary Busey. Just look at him in this clip. Is he crying? Is he praying? Both? Honestly, I'm ecstatic that Trump, who's still pretending to be President to try and keep this show relevant after all these seasons, finally pulled the plug on Gary. It's been increasingly obvious that working with Gary is incredibly difficult. Essentially every member of the men's team has said as much at some point. Sometimes they assume it's because his brainbox got beat up in that motorcycle accident he had. A few of them have speculated that he was some brilliant schemer creating discord with an eye towards out lasting everybody. The truth is probably somewhere in the middle. Gary probably was trying to be devious. He's also probably got some issues upstairs because of mass cranial trauma. Either way, Gary's been shown the door.

Next week, next week the spackling paste that has been covering the cracks in the women's team begins to fall off, while a Gary free men's team will probably be an exemplary model of cohesion, enthusiasm, and efficiency. Personally, I can't wait until Nene and Star get into it. It is going to happen. It will be two geological forces, avalanches, colliding together and woe to anything caught between them when it happens. Also, Nene just might rip of Latoya's head at some point. That could be fun.

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